Amanda Woodall
Family is everything…
The vineyards of Hunter Valley Australia
Amanda was born in Dayton, Ohio however the majority of her childhood was spent roaming the vineyards of wine county in New South Wales, Australia. This childhood ignited her love for the country life style and a great appreciation for food and travel. When Amanda is not working on her own farm or writing she enjoys cooking for her family and friends.

A dream is only fulfilled though hard work and perseverance…
Amanda’s first book is dedicated to her children and inspired by her love of animals. This love of animals was her driving force to complete her degree in Animal Science. This passion still continues today on a small hobby farm in rural Kentucky where she and her family call home. The family is surrounded by their beloved pets who play as the main characters in her children illustration books.
For the love of all things bubble flower…
A favorite spring passtime on the farm is blowing bubble flowers.